I have bought the large needle for my Cameo punchneedle tool so I will have to experiment with that soon too. Right after I finish my crcohet rag rug, etc,etc,etc
These are the five "originals".
Rascal the cat likes to share their scraps, they don't seem to mind!
Here are some of the new girls. They are moulting at the moment so they are pretty scrappy!
After spending their lives in tiny mesh cages, the dirt feels a bit strange under their feet..
A nice warm chook shed & loads of hay to keep them warm.
These ladies are used to a constant 22 C, not the minus temps we get in June!
I used a Dirty Crow Inn pattern and a vintage quilted pillowslip for the stocking.
The candy canes have German glass glitter on them. I had a ball making this, I made one for me too. The one pictured is actually mine, I added a rusty star to the tag on Robby's stocking. Now on to the Advent swap!