Yum, yum, yum.......... I can't believe how easy and successful this no-dig gardening is........I found my first pea-pod today, can't wait to munch on those, and have been nibbling my baby carrots (some call it thinning lol....). We had a gorgeous salad of chillean lettuce, parsley and chives drizzled with Mum and Dad's homegrown olive oil and some balsamic vinegar with our dinner last night. It was delish.... of course the yummy quiche made from our free range eggs wasn't bad either! Wonder what the poor people are doing........ After checking the supermarket prices for veg today I am soooo glad we have started our garden, who wants to pay the ridiculous prices they are asking when you can grow your own and eat salad that's been picked 5 minutes ago? Added another layer of tyres to our potatoes today, and planted out our 5 colour silverbeet and coriander....always something to do lately.........
Chillean lettuce
Broad beans