My Mum always says this every Spring....
"Spring has sprung,
The grass is ris,
I wonder where the birdies is?"
Well, the grass has risen here, and there are so many birds about. It's a hoot watching the grass parrots, magpies, rosellas, galahs and king parrots. They are all very passionate at the moment! There are lots of noisy squabbles over nesting sites. The garden has gone mad, everything is starting to erupt with flowers. It is sooo much fun this time of year......

Not sure what this bush is but it sure is pretty!
We planted two of these dwarf peach trees on the weekend, hopefully they will do ok, must mulch them....
Mum's elderly neighbour gave me some cuttings of this plant, once again don't know what it is, but it must be happy living in my rusty old clawfoot bath.....
I love daffodils, I have a variety of them planted around the base of trees, they are gorgeous...
Wherever you are, enjoy the seasons, I know I do!